Could Sudden Changes in Bowel Movements Be a Sign of Colon Polyps?

Have you noticed a sudden shift in your bowel habits? If you’re experiencing changes like more frequent trips to the bathroom, harder or looser stools than usual, or even changes in the color of your stool, you might be wondering what’s going on with your body. One question that might come to mind is whether […]

About Diverticulitis Treatment

Diverticulitis, a condition characterized by the inflammation and infection of small pouches (diverticula) that can form in the lining of the digestive system, is not just uncomfortable — it can sometimes lead to complications that can be serious. Knowing when to seek the advice of a medical professional is crucial for avoiding complications and promoting […]

Clearing Up Common Misconceptions About Colonoscopy

If you have been advised to receive a colonoscopy, you likely have several questions or concerns. Colonoscopies have been perceived in a negative light, but the procedure is essential to improving and maintaining your colorectal health. In addition, there are a number of misconceptions surrounding this procedure. The doctors at Piedmont Colorectal are dedicated to […]

IBS Awareness Month: Shedding Light on This Common Disorder

If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, you are not alone in your struggle; this common condition affects many patients. However, a significant number of them are unaware that their symptoms, such as frequent abdominal pain and bloating, are signs that they may have this condition. The team at Piedmont Colorectal recognized IBS […]

Foods That Help With Occasional Constipation

If you experience constipation on occasion, it is a good idea to take a look at what you have been consuming. Certain foods can make constipation worse, but others can bring relief. The highly skilled doctors at Piedmont Colorectal are passionate about helping you achieve an optimal quality of life. Learn more about how you […]

Infrequent Bowel Movements May Be a Sign of IBS. Learn About Your Treatment Options

Persistent, uncomfortable abdominal symptoms could mean that you are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In patients with IBS, the function of the bowel is altered, and the colon muscle tends to contract more frequently, resulting in constipation, diarrhea, and severe abdominal cramps. The team of colorectal experts at Piedmont Colorectal is committed to helping […]

Risk Factors Associated with Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen and irritated veins located in the anus and rectum. They can develop inside the anus as internal hemorrhoids, or under the skin near the anus as external hemorrhoids. There are a number of options available for treating this common condition, but the doctors at Piedmont Colorectal want patients to be aware of […]

How Regular Screenings Can Help Prevent Colon Cancer

Colon cancer screening is an essential component of your healthcare. Screening can help prevent colon cancer or detect it early when treatment is most effective. Certain factors, such as family history, can determine if it is time for you to begin regular colon cancer screenings. The team of experts at Piedmont Colorectal specializes in the […]

Dietary Tips for Managing Crohn’s Disease

If you have Crohn’s disease, it can be difficult to understand which foods can help you feel better. Studies suggest that your diet is a factor in the development of inflammatory bowel disease and the symptoms that come with it. The doctors at Piedmont Colorectal work with patients to develop a tailored dietary plan to […]

Preparing for a Colonoscopy: Tips to Keep in Mind

A colonoscopy is a medical procedure that involves the insertion of a colonoscope, which is a thin tube with a camera on the tip, through the rectum, allowing doctors to identify any irregularities. The procedure’s reputation can make many people hesitant to schedule or keep their colonoscopy appointments, however, this important screening does not have […]