Dietary Tips for Managing Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s treatment in Atlanta If you have Crohn’s disease, it can be difficult to understand which foods can help you feel better. Studies suggest that your diet is a factor in the development of inflammatory bowel disease and the symptoms that come with it. The doctors at Piedmont Colorectal work with patients to develop a tailored dietary plan to aid in the management of Crohn’s disease symptoms. Below, they provide several tips to get you started.

Avoid These Foods

When it comes to Crohn’s disease, there are certain foods that can make your symptoms worse. No two patients are alike, meaning foods that trigger one person may leave another completely unaffected. However, the following foods are commonly associated with unpleasant symptoms:

  • Foods that are difficult to digest, such as apple skin and kale
  • Foods high in fiber, such as cabbage, high-fiber cereal, and cauliflower
  • Lactose, including milk and ice cream
  • Artificial sweeteners, including aspartame
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Caffeine, including caffeinated energy drinks
  • Processed meat

Over time, frequently consuming certain trigger foods may increase your risk for inflammation. If you do consume these foods, do so in moderation.

Consume Food that Decreases Inflammation

Alternatively, certain foods are associated with a decrease in inflammation over time. Consider consuming the following foods:

  • Bananas, certain berries, applesauce, blended fruit
  • Vegetables that are easy to digest, like green beans and squash
  • Salmon and tuna
  • Smooth nut butters
  • Leafy greens
  • Sweet potatoes

If you are concerned about being able to digest fruit and vegetables, consider the type, texture, and serving size before you consume.

Consider Meal Planning for Peace of Mind

Meal planning can take the guesswork out of your diet. Some patients find the most benefit from planning out their entire diet for the week, while others prefer to shop frequently during the week and prepare meals for a few days at a time. Still others prepare a range of healthy foods and snacks to choose from so that they do not feel restricted. Some approaches work better for some than they do for others, which is why it is important to find the right meal prep solution for you. For peace of mind during the week, consider including the following as you plan your meals:

  • Prepare quick, easy, and nutritious meals.
  • Have ingredients and foods on hand that do not worsen your Crohn’s symptoms.
  • Incorporate simple cooking techniques when planning meals, such as boiling, poaching, or steaming.
  • Make sure you are prepared for social eating; consider bringing your own meals to gatherings with family and friends so that you can still enjoy yourself without worrying about dietary restrictions.

Crohn’s disease can be tricky to navigate; get help from our experts at Piedmont Colorectal. Schedule your consultation today by booking an appointment online or calling our office.